10 Week Gym Workout Guide

10 Week Gym Workout Guide

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 I created this 10 week gym guide to give you the foundation and information to start living a healthier life, while feeling stronger and more confident in the process!

This guide is split into two, 5 week phases where the workouts will then change. There are also charts that help you track your progress and hold you accountable.

What's included:

• 10 weeks of workouts split into two, 5 week phases

• 5 day workout split:
- Leg day
- Back and shoulders
- Glute and hamstrings
- Arms and shoulder
- Optional full body
- Additional core workouts
- 2-3 rest days included

• Information and education on how to take care of your body and nutrition (information on macros and tracking, supplements, exercise terminology, recommendations on measuring progress and more)

• Exercise library! Every single exercise is linked to a video demonstration on YouTube

• Private Facebook group to share progress, post form videos and ask questions